HomeLandSports → Scooter

Many speedgeeks have experienced the first time the feeling of glid- ing, carving and speeding with a scooter, but also adults are still enjoying their own style of motion. In this respect, we are offering the following different versions with:

  • 2 wheels,
  • 3 wheels and
  • 4 wheels.

    Electric Kick Scooter
    Our electric kick scooters are powered by our Looped Fuel Cells™ in their pocket versions and in this way offer an unprecedented speed of more than 60 km/h/37 MPH and a range of up to 100 kilometers/ 62 miles at a speed of 45 km/h/28 MPH.

    The top versions of our scooters feature decks and even handbars that are made out of Pure Carbon™ or Carbon Hemp™. Our Carbon Fibre-Reinforced Polymer variants can also be composited with our AeroAccu™ fibre for an even longer range of the electric versions.

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    Christian Stroetmann GmbH